Contents In brief 003 Key achievements 003 Letter from the Chairman & the CEO 004 Financial and operational key figures 006 Sustainability key figures 007 Outlook 008 Strategy and ambitions 009 Corporate strategy 010 Creating the global energy system of the future 017 Capital structure strategy 018 Sustainability – progress on targets 019 Progress on sustainability strategy targets 020 Group performance 025 Financial performance 026 Power Solutions 030 Safety first: business continuity during COVID-19 035 Service 036 Offshore 040 Vestas people 043 Leadership, employees, and values 044 Driving the energy transition through diversity and inclusion 046 Governance 049 Vestas on the capital markets 050 Corporate governance 052 Risk management 060 Financial statements 063 Consolidated financial statements and notes 064 Parent company financial statements and notes 119 Statements 127 Management’s statement 128 The independent auditor’s reports 129 Independent assurance report on the Sustainability key figures 132 Additional information 133 Notes to Sustainability key figures 134 Quarterly financial and operational key figures 136 Definition of terms 138 Disclaimer and cautionary statement 139 002 Vestas Annual Report 2020
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