Vestas Controller Upgrade Increase the energy production by up to 1% through improved turbine availability* Benefits • Bringyourturbineup-to-datewiththe latestsoftware • Improvetheavailabilityofyourturbine • IntegratewithVestasOnline tURBine PLAtfORMs AllVestasturbinesrunningonVMP Classic The controller is the nerve center of your wind turbine and ensures the turbine availability to produce energy. Vestas is now offering turbine owners the opportunity to upgrade the controller software and incorporate the latest innovations. By implementing the upgrade, you ensure having fully supported software on your turbine. New releases of the controller software are based on the latest innovations from our software and turbine engineers. Each new release is a combination of modifications to existing software features and the addition of new features. The upgrade results in smoother turbine operation, improved reliability, safety improvements and increased energy production. The Vestas controller upgrade is available for the 2MW and V90-3MW platforms and ensures your turbine is on par with the latest generations. Get in touch with us today Visit or contact your local Vestas service office to get to know more about how the Vestas controller upgrade and our other service solutions can improve the performance of your turbines. *Based on extensive field results
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