Benefits of Vestas Bat Protection System • Maximise energy production while adhering to local requirements • Reliable and proven technology Vestas Bat Protection System Maximising turbine performance while minimising the environmental impact Safeguard bat species Vestas Bat Protection System is a software solution that responds to certain environmental factors related to the likelihood of bat presence. The highly predictive behavior of bats allows the turbine to respond to relevant environmental factors which impact the behavior of bats. By smartly pausing the turbine, performance can be maximised while minimising the environmental impact. Operational mitigation can reduce bat mortality by up to 78%*. * Martin, C., Arnett, E. B., Stevens, R. D., & Wallace, M. C. (2017). Reducing bat fatalities at wind facilities while improving the economic efficiency of operational mitigation. Journal of Mammalogy, 98(2), 387-385.
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