Availability of Vestas De-Icing™ V112-3.45 MW ® V117-3.45 MW ® V117-4.2 MW™ V126-3.45 MW ® Availability of Vestas Anti-Icing System™ V150-4.2 MW™ V150-4.5 MW™ V150-6.0 MW™ V162-6.2 MW™ V162-6.8 MW™ Vestas Cold Climate Solutions availability for after-sales dependent on turbine type. For more information contact your local Vestas Sales & Service office. Vestas De-Icing™ The Vestas De-Icing™ system maximises the energy production of wind turbines in icy conditions by de-icing the blades. Activated by the Vestas SCADA system, the Vestas De-Icing™ system pauses the turbine operation in order to realise the de-icing action, heating and circulating air within the blades. The energy use of the system is opti- mised by concentrating the de-icing action on the outer third of a turbine blade full chord and the remaining outer two-thirds of the leading edge towards the tip. Vestas Anti-Icing System™ The Vestas Anti-Icing System™ continuously monitors the effects of ice formation and intelligently engages to remove ice on blades while in operation to maximise perfor- mance. The combination of several independent heating elements and levels result in targeted and effective anti-icing action tailored to the specific icing event. A large operational envelope secures high energy production in extreme cold climate condi- tions, making it the optimal cold climate solution for sites ranging from low to high ice severity. During the most common icing events, Vestas Anti-Icing System™ ensures a minimum of 90% production retention*. Vestas has received more than 1 GW of wind turbine orders with Vestas Anti-Icing System™. Siting in cold climate conditions with Vestas Ice Assessment™ Vestas’ wide suite of siting tools, including the Vestas Ice Assessment™, allow us to use highly advanced meteorological models and algorithms to assess icing chal- lenges. Vestas Ice Assessment™ predicts icing exposure for each individual turbine on a specific site. It can forecast the specific icing conditions, ice formation on blades and expected losses due to ice to assess the total energy production of a cold climate site. Full system integration with Vestas Ice Control The Vestas Ice Control is an optional feature of the Vestas SCADA system that or- chestrates the standard yawing and pausing functionalities of the turbine with differ- ent ice mitigation actions. Based on the input of an ice detection system**, the Vestas Ice Control enhances safety by automatically pausing the turbine operation when ice build-up becomes critical, reducing the time of operation with high risk of ice throw. The Vestas Ice Control also activates the automatic resume of the turbine operation when the ice detection system indicates low risk of ice throw. In addition, combining Vestas Ice Control with Vestas De-Icing™ or Vestas Anti-Icing System™ ice is actively removed from the blades while the turbine is in safety mode, therefore potentially reducing the time the turbine is in pause. * Depending on siting and climatic conditions. The system retains 90% in climatic and operating conditions within the maximum performance operating envelope. **Vestas Ice Control receives and processes inputs from one or more ice detection systems such as the Vestas Ice Detection™ system, Vestas’ nacelle-based ice detection and Vestas’ power curve-based ice detection. ©Vestas 2022 This document was created by Vestas Wind Systems A/S and contains copyrighted material, trademarks and other proprietary infor- mation. All rights reserved. No part of the document may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means such as graphic, elec- tronic or mechanical, including photocopying, taping or information storage and retrieval systems, without the prior written permission of Vestas Wind Systems A/S. All specifications are for information only and are subject to change without notice. Vestas does not make any representations or extend any warranties, expressed or implied, as to the adequacy or accuracy of this information. Vestas Wind Systems A/S Hedeager 42 . 8200 Aarhus N . Danmark Tlf: +45 9730 0000 . Fax: +45 9730 0001 vestas@vestas.com . vestas.com 03/2020 – EN
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