Quality Standard 4-6mm mirrors and mirror doors Quality Standard – rev. 25.05.2016 Page: 1 of 3 Initials: TRL 1. Introduction Mirrors and mirror doors are used in bathrooms and meet the requirements of EN1036 2. Scope for application These guidelines apply to visual inspection of mirrors and mirror doors. The evaluation must be based on criteria that appear in this quality description 3. Visual inspection In general, all quality assessments of mirrors and mirror doors must be made as follows: The mirror must be inspected while in a vertical position in normal daylight (or simulated daylight – corresponding to approx. 300-600 lux) At a distance of 1 metre 4. Defects Area Scratches/ scattered defects Tolerances Front Scratches that are visible and assessed at a distance of 1 metre are not allowed and considered to justify complaints. Scattered defects <=0.2mm are allowed and not considered to justify complaints. Scratches that are visible and assessed at a distance of 1 metre are not allowed and considered to justify complaints. Scattered defects <= 0.5mm are allowed provided that scattered defects do not occur closer than 200mm to each other. Irregular silvering foil at the edge which is visible at a distance of 1 metre justifies complaints. Back Glass main area A Scratches/ scattered defects Edge zone B Minor scratches of max. 5mm are allowed, but max. 2 scratches per mirror. To be assessed at a distance of 1 metre. Scattered defects <= 0.6mm are allowed provided that scattered defects do not occur closer than 200mm to each other. Minor scratches <=6mm, visible at a distance of 1 metre are allowed. Max. 2 scratches per mirror. >2 defects per mirror (edge zone + main area) justify complaints. Scattered defects <= 0.6mm are allowed provided that scattered defects do not occur closer than 200mm to each other. Irregular silvering foil at the edge which is visible at a distance of 1 metre justifies complaints. Tolerances Edges Distortion Surface Note: Refers to drawing material for each product See section about edges – page: 2 The reflection in the silvering must not appear distorted Irregular or curved surfaces as well as cracks justify complaints Scattered defects are described as stone, air bubble or another impurity in the glass Mat scratches appear during the production process and with normal maintenance and are typically not visible when the mirror is placed in a vertical position and inspected at a distance of 1 metre 1
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